08 February 2013

ITALY : Competing PM Pols...Silvio And Mario...Adopt Pooches; Bersani Needs Monte In Coalition.

     It's a officially a dog-eat-dog world...in Italy's race to elect a PM.
     Silvio Berlusconi has adopted a 2-month old half wolf/golden retriever stray (foto) allegedly from the streets of Sicily.
     Slippery Silvio named the bitch...Vicky.
     Not to be left behind...current technocrat PM Mario Monte adopted a purebred maltese in Milano...that he named Empatia/Empathy.
     Both dogs may prove to be more popular than the 2 pols.
     AND: Final polling shows that because of a recent Silvio surge to 29%...left leaning candidate Pier Luigi Bersani needs Mario Monte's 13.6% support to win control...after a Tuscan bank scandal weakened Bersani's party. 
     But the Catholic Church has finally abandoned Berlusconi...and now backs devout follower Monte.