YOUTUBE/ 4:10/ Static Foto
Today...this blog's weekly music renamed "Music For Mondays"...aka "MFM"...showcases Brasilero Tim Maia...singing 'Do Leme ao Pontal'.
Maia appears to be a big guy...and he has a BIG voice.
Despite following Brasil's music since 1968...I never heard of Maia.
But then I haven't lived in...or visited Rio for 2 decades.
Yet...thanks to YouTube...while looking for Gilberto Gil's version of 'Aquelle Abraco'...I clicked Maia's image...sampled and liked his version...and also found this song..."Do Leme ao Pontal."
YouTube makes it so easy and frustration-free...especially compared to the USA's Pandora service.
Nice discovery. Beleza!
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