04 November 2010

COSTA RICA/ NICARAGUA:1ST UPDATE: Google Maps Blamed For Territorial Dispute.

    OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza will  travel to both Costa Rica and Nicaragua to meet with the two presidents in an effort to arrange a dialogue between them over a growing land dispute.
    A Costa Rican newspaper reports that Nicaraguan military commander Eden Pastora used Google Maps to “justify” moving his troops into an area near San Juan Lake along the border, where they set up camp there, took down a Costa Rican flag, cleaned up a nearby river, and dumped the sediment into Costa Rican territory.
      Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla is urging national restraint while it seeks a diplomatic solution before the OAS (pictured).
     But she called Nicaragua's alleged military incursion an act of ``aggression'' against a country without an army and rapidly deployed  police armed with military-grade weapons to the contested area.
      Nicaragua claims an earlier UN judgment upheld its rights over the river area and that all of its activities are within its borders. "We categorically reject the allegations made by Costa Rica,"  its OAS rep. Denis Moncada, said.
             FOR LATEST UPDATE, SEE: