27 October 2010

POLAND/LITHUANIA:UPDATE: Bad Blood Between Neighbors Heating-Up.

REUTERS/ By Gabriela Baczynska /
   Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski (pictured) has bluntly criticized Lithuania before the EU saying it was failing to live up to its commitments to ethnic Poles or to Polish investors.
    Warsaw is distressed that Vilnius won't address treatment of the 6-7% Polish minority there and a Polish-owned refinery in Lithuania.
    "Poland was a strong supporter of Lithuania's EU and NATO bids and continued to be a loyal partner ever since. But we are not getting reciprocal treatment," said analyst Eugeniusz Smolar.
   28 OCT:      Lithuania has responded. On the radio, Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius called Sikorski's criticisms “hurtful” and “unfounded” accusations.
     FOR MORE,  SEE : http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-10-28/lithuania-says-poland-making-hurtful-accusations-as-ethnic-row-escalates.html