27 October 2010

PERU: Susana Villaran Officially Named Lima's New Mayor; Insight Into Political Atmosphere.

    After nearly a month, leftist Susana Villaran, 61, defeated her conservative opponent Lourdes Flores by less than one point to become the capital's first elected female leader.
    The 3 October election was challenged and more than a million votes were re-examined.
     Flores had tapped into fears about the radical left to rapidly gain on Villaran's 12% lead in the opinion polls in the last week of campaigning. "Susana Villaran's lead appeared to be unassailable and then Lourdes Flores caught up within 24 hour," said political scientist Fernando Tuesta.
     "Rather than being a comeback for the left, it's (Villeran's election) more a sign that people are fed up with traditional politics and the same political faces who run in three, four or five elections,"claims political commentator Mirko Lauer.