02 February 2013

USA / UKRAINE / HUMOR : 'Enhanced' Ken Meets Real Life 'Barbie'...But Finds Zero Love At First Sight.

    The Ukraine's own Barbie doll wannabe...Valeria Lukyanova...(FYI...one of this blog's most searched for/bookmarked story/link)...recently met her Ken doll-looking counterpart in NYC for a TV show appearance...but they didn't hit if off.
    Valeria, 23...who prides herself on her Barbie-like appearance...said silicone assisted Justin Jedlica, 32...insulted her in an article last year...saying that 'much of her look is added make-up, fake hair and corsets...often used by 'drag queens'.
    Onlookers report there was zero chemistry between the two on the Inside Edition show set.
    Jedlica claims he has spent over $100,000 on cosmetic changes.
    But Valeria sniped back...saying that he had 'overdone his lips.'