Of interest to barrelheads...and energy speculators.
The USA's ConocoPhillips is getting rid of its 8.4% share of Kazakhistan's long delayed and expensive Kashagan project.
India's largest oil company...Oil/Nat Gas Corp/ bidding $5 billion to take it off Conoco's ledgers.
The $46 billion project under the Caspian Sea has dragged along since 2005...buffeted by bad weather...soaring costs...and tax disputes.(Reuters)
Kashagan may hold 30 billion bbls...with 8-12 bn recoverable...and could produce 370,000 b/d by next year.
The Kazahks have right of first refusal and 2 months to accept the bid.
India is finally playing energy catch-up with China...which has aggressively sought foreign oil and nat gas resources.
ConocoPhillips has been selling assets to cut debt and invest in domestic shale oil and nat gas.
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