07 November 2011

GUATEMALA / NICARAGUA : 8 Nov UPDATE: Ex-General Perez Molina Easily Wins Run-Off; Landslide For Ortega But "Fraud" Claimed.


     Conservative ex-general and intelligence director Otto Perez Molina (above) easily won Guatemala's presidential runoff with 54%...against tycoon-turned populist Manuel Baldizon.
     It means Perez, 61, is the first ex-military elected president since military rule ended 25 years ago.
     In Nicaragua...Daniel Ortega (above), 65...cruised to another 5-year term...with between  62-66% of the vote.
     But there were claims of many voting irregularities from OAS observers...perhaps in an effort to boost the vote count.
     UPDATE 8 Nov...The losing opposition candidate with 31% of the vote...Fabio Gadea...calls the election a "fraud"...with 86% of the ballots counted.