20 September 2011

MEXICO / USA : Still No Apologies Or Info For DF About ATF's Disasterous Secret "Fast/Furious" Gun Plan.

                                          K.Ellingwood, R.Serrano, T.Wilkinson
                                                            2 screen read combined

     Perhaps as many as 150-300 people have been killed or wounded so far from a USA weapons sting gone bad...called Fast and Furious.
     And yet months after media revealed the program...and the USA congress even held hearings...American authorities have still not offered Mexico an apology...or explanation of what went wrong.
     "At no time did we know or were we made aware that there might have been arms trafficking permitted," said Marisela Morales, (above) Mexico's highest-ranking law enforcement official. "In no way would we have allowed it, because it is an attack on the safety of Mexicans."