27 July 2011

PERU: President Alan Garcia's Legacy; Humala Moves To Center; Singer Baca Named Minister.

AP/ C. Salazar / Long Analysis

     President Alan Garcia, 62, ends his 2nd term having steered Peru to 7% annual growth...with less than 3% annual inflation...$47b in foreign reserves....a recent 42% approval rating.
     "On the positive side, (Garcia) leaves a basically healthy economy," said historian and political analyst Nelson Manrique. "On the negative side, he has been authoritarian, hasn't been open to political dialogue and put off dealing with a series of demands that have generated a climate of social volatility."

AND:  President-elect Ollanta Humala has moved more to the center than his model Brasil's Lula da Silva.
    In his new 18-member Cabinet there are few people who could be regarded as leftists...including new cultural minister Susana Baca.