30 June 2011

EUROZONE/ GREECE: OPINION: Austerity Protests...Coming Soon To A Street Near You.


Elena Panaritis: On how the eurozone authorities have played the crisis... badly: "Through indecision they turned an issue of long-term structural reform into an issue of short-term insolvency," she says. As a result the austerity this week cannot in any way be cathartic – nor can it be sold as such, whatever short-term euphoria it has produced in Brussels. We need to deliver a productive economy, with an entrepreneurial culture, that exports. Europe needs to create a quick reaction system."

AND: "Democracy is not at risk," says Antonis Papayiannidis, a lawyer and political columnist, "but if you now get people who are petit bourgeois, plus people who are barely above the poverty level, and they get furious, staging mob resistance – nobody has seen this play acted out. Or rather, they have seen it, in Germany in the 1920s and that was nasty."