24 November 2010

BRASIL: Rousseff Says Bye, Bye Meirelles, Oi Tombini.

BLOOMBERG/ Andre Soliani and Iuri Dantas/
    President-elect Dilma Rousseff has nominated Alexandre Tombini (pictured), 46, as new central bank head replacing long-serving 65-year-old Henrique Meirelles. Rousseff also nominated Guido Mantegna to remain as Finance Minister.
     Tombini has been a central bank board member since 2005.
     “The fact that it is him instead of someone else ensures the central bank won’t be taken by a new heterodox philosophy -- that there will be continuity,” said strategist Tony Volpon.
“Tombini has a good education, he’s a professional,” said economist Pedro Tuesta. "The problem is that this gives the impression that Dilma wants to have greater control of the central bank. I’m not saying that’s the way it is. She gives us that impression, and the impression has a certain base.”