25 October 2010

POLAND: A Defeated Jaroslaw Kaczynski Returns To Old Form-- As Barking Junk Yard Dog.

    Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the recently defeated presidential candidate, admits his campaign was a dismal failure. So he has fired his staff and shifted blame for the defeat to his use of "powerful, calming drugs" after the tragic death of his brother in a plane crash.
   “I was in a terrible state of shock after my brother's death — nothing worse could have ever happened to me in my life. I had to take very powerful calming drugs — which had its effects,” Kaczynski told Polish Newsweek. “I was in such a state that, honestly, the election campaign was thought up for me.”
    He has also returned to his old behavior-- attacking like a vicious junk-yard dog.
   Kaczynski again is calling Poland nothing but "a German-Russian condominium."
    He also calls President Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk “evil people,” saying that he will never shake Komorowski's hand, and accusing the government of being responsible for the air crash that killed his twin brother.