15 October 2010

BOSNIA/SERBIA: 2ND UPDATE: Jolie Wins Back Permission To Film In Sarajevo.

    Actress Angelina Jolie has won back a permit to film her directorial debut in Bosnia, according to her producer. Jolie, who is directing her first film, can now begin production next month in Sarajevo.
    Bosnian culture minister Gavrilo Grahovac had revoked Jolie's permit to film in Sarajevo after reading reports about its storyline - a love affair between a Serbian rapist and his Muslim victim.
"The choice to make a film about this area and set in this time in history was also to remind people of what happened not so long ago and to give attention to the survivors of the war," said Jolie, who is making her directorial debut.
    A spokeswoman for the Association of Women, Victims of War – which supports thousands of mainly Muslim rape victims – complained : "From what I heard, it is about a victim in a rape camp falling in love with her rapist, and that's not only impossible but the idea is insulting. "We, the victims, do not want to be portrayed that way, and we complained."