15 February 2013

BRASIL / USA : Brasiliero Billionaire Lemann Helps Buffett Takeover Heinz...In $28 Billion Deal.

    Brasil may boast one of the world's most reluctant billionaire.
    Jorge Paulo Lemann, 73...is Brasil's richest man...worth $19 billion...especially after the recent failures of boastful, publicity seeking Eike Batista's OGX off shore oil exploits and dry holes...but Lemann is also the quietest.
     He doesn't like to be interviewed or photographed...and his family lives in Switzerland.
     But he wheels and deals globally...thru his fund 3G Capital.
     Now he has partnered with American billionaire Warren Buffett, 82...to takeover USA food giant H.J. Heinz...for a whopping $23 billion...$28 billion with debt assumption.
     Lemann also controls beverage giant AmBev...and successfully took over and then quickly sold most of fast food outlet Burger King.