27 October 2012

UKRAINE : Boxer Klitschko Eyes Knockout In Sunday Election; Sees Corruption As Biggest Problem.


     Former boxer Vitali Klitschko, 41...and his party are being touted as the up and comers in tomorrow's parliamentary elections...the first since 2010.
     Opinion polls show his new UDAR/Punch party scoring big...in 3rd place...and only slightly trailing jailed former PM Yulia Tymoshenko's opposition party.
     Klitschko...a boxer with a PhD...served in Kyiv's city council...and says he has a lot to lose.
     Yulia hopes that Klitschko's supporters will join her party to field a nearly 40% opposition to President Yanukovych's parliamentary majority.
    ALSO : Klitschko says corruption is Ukraine's biggest problem. 
       'It even costs you money to die. You have to bribe your way into finding a place in a cemetery now.'