At least 30 people were wounded...including 10 children...after 4 bombs...hidden in garbage cans...exploded around the noon the major eastern city of Dnipropetrvsk...just weeks before the 8 June start of the much anticipated Euro 2012 football matches.
Terrorism is feared...though Ukraine has no recent history of terrorism.
President Yanukovych ordered a swift probe...and is offering a $250,000 reward for information about the '...act of terrorism.'
22 people are still hospitalized...with 3 in grave condition.
The city of 1.4 million is the birthplace of imprisoned and reportedly ailing ex-PM Yulia outspoken opponent of President Viktor Yanukovych.
TO SEE: 1:05 Raw Video:!
TO READ: OPINION: Explaining the bombings in Ukraine; thugs, terrorism, Russians, Yulia supporters or an excuse for more crackdowns?
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