GUARDIAN/ J. Franklin
Camila Vallejo, 23, is an unlikely burr under President Pinera's saddle.
Vallejo is the Univ. of Chile's student union leader...who has gradually become the face of what is being called "the Chilean Winter."
She has also been given police protection after receiving death threats via Twitter... including one from a high ranking official who tweeted: "If you kill the bitch, you do away with the litter."
The Supreme Court also ordered police to protect her family.
"There are huge levels of discontent," said Vallejo. "It is always the youth that make the first move … we don't have family commitments, this allows us to be freer. We took the first step, but we are no longer alone, the older generations are now joining this fight."
"We do not want to improve the actual system; we want a profound change – to stop seeing education as a consumer good, to see education as a right where the state provides a guarantee, " she said.
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