27 June 2011

VENEZUELA: 28 June UPDATE: Rumors, Rumors. It's Still All About Hugo's...Health!


Venezuelan bonds have rallied on rumors of Hugo Chavez's ill health.

There is also a new rumor that his brother Adan will take over. 

The media is still obsessed with the health of President Hugo Chavez, 56...that he has prostate cancer.
But his supporters tell opponents to "stop dreaming" of his death and insist he will soon be back at work.
Even WikiLeaks got into the act...since Hugo's sudden surgery in La Habana on 10 June to remove a pelvic abscess.
On Twitter, WikiLeaks Argentina claimed Chávez had died...of a heart attack in Cuba.
Miami's Nuevo Herald claimed he is in a "critical condition" citing an anonymous USA intelligence source.
An ally reports that "Chávez is recuperating and we will have him here, thank God, on 5 July" for a summit in Margarita Isla.
Also, Chavez's daughter Rosines and his grandchildren have flown to Cuba to see him.

Now an opposition newspaper columnist reports that Chavez lost 10 kilos...and was digesting liquids only during prostate cancer treatment.
The fact is...that Hugo just doesn't look that well in his recent fotos with Fidel. 

Also See Previous Blog coverage/links:

AND:  The opposition sees Hugo's health news blackout...as an election ploy...a version of "all hail the conquering hero!"
"I picture him coming back saying the 'gringo' media had him dead and the Venezuelan opposition wished his death. It's quite the reverse, and I say it as an aspirant to the post."