28 June 2011

EUROZONE / GREECE: Another Austerity Vote...Another Violent Athens Protest.

GUARDIAN/  2:00  Raw Video

For BBC text coverage of protest and vote :

Police in Athens fought against more than 5,000 protestors...many stone-throwing youths...with tear gas and stun grenades...during a nationwide 48-hour strike...as a critical 2- day parliamentary vote on new austerity measures was underway.

So far, 21 police and 4 demonstrators were reported injured...with 18 detained and 5 arrests.

ALSO:  Ominously...a Greek asset "Fire Sale" is finding few buyers.
 Greece's €50bn of national assets up for sale are attracting little interest from private equity firms.
 The investors say they don't like Greece's bureaucracy, strong unions, corruption and lack of transparency.
"Even in the good times Greece is not a country that attracts investment. Foreign investors don't want to invest in a country where there is no flexibility in hiring and firing people," said one fund investor. "You don't want to invest in a country in which you wake up and a new law has been passed which totally undermines and destroys the value of the investment you've just made."

ALSO SEE...WSJ...for extensive coverage of problems and hurdles for buyers of Greek assets...by C. Forelle.