The Green Party's stalwart and often eccentric former presidential candidate Antanas Mockus has resigned from it...rather than be associated with any support for ex-President Alvaro Uribe.
The Green's Bogota mayoral candidate Enrique PeƱalosa has praised Uribe.
Mockus could not accept the many scandals of the Uribe administration, the "false positives," false demobilizations and wiretapping.
Although recognizing some Uribe achievements, Mockus believes they were done "at the expense of limits established in the constitution," and added "there are things I cannot digest."
AND: Former President Uribe (above) has been busy recently Twittering his 470,000 followers... and challenging the policies of current President Santos. Santos has mostly avoided responding to the comments.
But says an observer...“He (Uribe) wants to be an actor and found his vehicle through Twitter. Uribe is a political animal and he is looking for his place. His poll numbers are still very high. Santos has got to be careful.”
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