18 February 2011

COLOMBIA: Former Paras, Now Narcos...Terrorize Cordoba; Lawyers Sue For $1.6 Million Usd For Damages From Broken Dike; Truckers' Strike Ends...For Now.

G.POST/ N. DROST / With 7 Fotos Hard To View /
2 screen read but finally can be combined!/

    Colombia, once nearly controlled by narco lords is safer now, perhaps even more than Mexico.
    But narco gangs still terrorize some of the populace.
    Between 2003 and 2006, more than 32,000 fighters belonging to the AUC paramilitary laid down their arms.
    But many never demobilized or became narcos and recruited ex-AUC fighters.
    In the northern department of Cordoba, residents are leaving as the new narcos threaten and kill villagers.

AND:     Lawyers are seeking  $1.6 million usd in a lawsuit against the Colombian government for failing to prevent massive damage that forced nearly 100,000 families from homes, destroyed farmland and wiped out towns, bridges and roads.
     They represent around 1,700 families seeking compensation for businesses, homes and livestock lost after a major dike on the Atlantic coast burst last November following months of heavy rains.
    “President Santos himself said during one emergency meeting in Bogota that this should have never occurred, and that it could have been avoided,” claimed  the group's lawyer. 

ALSO:  President Juan Manuel Santos said he "celebrates (the end of) this absurd truckers strike, this blockade which has caused so much damage" but said eliminating the controversial rate table "still stands."