In Brasilia, hundreds of indigena protested the construction of the Belo Monte dam, projected to be world's third biggest hydro-electric dam.
They delivered a petition signed by 600,000 people opposing it.
"We don't want Belo Monte because it will destroy our rivers, our jungle and our way of life," said one tribe leader.
Another tribal leader said he and his tribe had not been given enough information about the project.
Ireo Kayapo said that if his tribe were to be driven from its land, "there'll be war and blood will be spilled".
President Rousseff announced cutting nearly 50 billion reais ($30 billion) from this year’s budget as to help the central bank contain inflation.
January's inflation rate of .83 % was the highest monthly jump in almost six years since April 2005, when it hit 0.87 percent. Inflation quickened to 5.91 percent in 2010 with record low unemployment and credit growth.
At January's pace, Brasil would set a 5.99% annual inflation rate... again well above the 4.5% central bank target.
Soaring food prices and growing consumer demand are being blamed for the jump.
It increases pressure on President Rousseff to raise the nation's 11.25 % overnight rate, already one of the world's highest.
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