02 December 2010

COLOMBIA: Where It's Pouring Down Almost Like "Katrina" ; Corruption In Bogota.

  Two recent posts from John Otis about Colombia:
    The first recaps Colombia's worst rainy season in decades that some are calling "Colombia's Katrina," from the floods and landslides that have killed 161 people, destroyed thousands of homes and put hectares of coffee, cotton and sugar cane underwater in 28 of the country’s 32 states.
     President Juan Manuel Santos called it “the worst rainy season in our history” and pleaded for at least $2.6 billion in international aid.
     The second is about the nation's corruption, especially in Bogota, that is scaring away foreign investors.
     Recently, Transparency International ranked Colombia 78th of 178 countries in its 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index, a drop of three places over 2009.

For Corruption story, SEE: