Appointment news from President-elect Dilma Rousseff (pictured) is coming fast and furious.
But first, a link to a recent interview that ran in the Washington Post... with questions like : "...Why is Brazil supporting a country that allows people to be stoned, that jails journalists?" AND "You have said publicly that you would like to see interest rates come down. Will you cut the budget or reduce the yearly increase in government spending?"
09 DECEMBER UPDATE: Rousseff has nominated 5 members from the centrist PMDB party, her biggest ally in the 10-party coalition, to cabinet positions.
FOR Gabrielli Re-appointment, SEE:
FOR Antonio Palocci appointment, SEE:
The markets like Antonio Palocci and his market-friendly policies. He is a doctor who was Finance Minister from 2003 to 2006 during President Lula da Silva's first term. He allowed loan payments to be deducted from paychecks that fueled a record expansion of credit among low-income families.Under his watch, inflation slowed to 5.3 percent from 17.2 percent.
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