BLOOMBERG/ Dilma Rousseff, Lula's handpicked successor, saw her lead in polls decrease to a 46% from 49%, with her leading opponent Jose Serra maintaining 28%, while Green Party candidate Marina Silva's numbers moved-up to 14%. With these figures, a second round run-off will be necessary for the 3 October election.
“The political accusations of the last two weeks are hurting Dilma, while her campaign is still solid and President Lula’s popularity still high,” said consultant Andre Cesar. “Marina is the novelty of the election, and in the event of a second round she will be crucial.”
Folha comments about Lula, the press and corruption charges and a columnist describes Lula as accusing news organizations of lying by passing themselves off as neutral and "inventing things every day." That he has attacked them with a promise to "defeat some newspapers and magazines which behave like political parties."
For more, SEE OMBUDSMAN column(english) :
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