08 January 2012

BRASIL / USA : It's Shop Til You Drop...For Brasilians Overseas; At Home...The Beat Of New Economic Success.


      Brasilian tourists spent more than $20 billion overseas in 2011.
     They favor the USA, France and Argentina for their purchases.
     "Brazilians spend all they have. If they have $5,000, they spend $5,000," said a tourism official.
     A Brasilian doctor described his USA purchases. "Two iPods, one computer, brand clothes and tennis shoes, two cameras. The ease of this type of buying, the security, the quality, the prices, you can't beat that. In Brazil, everything costs twice or three times as much," he said.

ALSO:  The BBC features an overview of Brasil's economy...its successes...growing commodity crops...and failures...like poor infrastructure and public transport...and a weak tax system.