21 December 2011

RUSSIA: Anti Putin Activist Navalny Freed; Nemtsov's Hacked Petty Phone Calls Released.

                                        EURO NEWS :55 Video Report

     Anti-Kremlin blogger Alexei Navalny (foto) and 11 more activists were set free after serving 15-days in jail terms for roles in an unsanctioned Moscow election protest.
    Upon his release...Navalny blasted the Kremlin and Putin.
    "Right now the party of swindlers and thieves is nominating for president its chief swindler and thief," he said. 
    AND: A pro-Putin newspaper is releasing hours of hacked phone calls...full of gossip and nasty comments...between controversial activist Boris Nemtsov...and other opposition leaders. Nemtsov calls one activist..."either a bitch or an idiot"...and labels the protesters as "hamsters" and "scared penguins."