23 September 2011

ITALY : Berlusconi's Allies Narrowly Defeat Judge's Arrest Order; 'Prince Silvio' Runs Italy Like His Court.

                                       WSJ/ G.ZAMPANO

     PM Silvio Berlusconi apparently called in all his favors. And...it worked.
     His parliament...by a meager victory of 312-305...rejected a judge's request to arrest Marco Milanese...a former top aide to Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti.
    There are allegations that Milanese was a conduit of criminal information in exchange for cash and gifts.
    Milanese's arrest might have provided more fuel for an ongoing Italian debt crisis...after a recent sovereign downgrade by S/P...by one level to A...its first in 5 years.

   ALSO: Excellent analysis in recent NYTIMES...about Berlusconi's continued hold on the government...by Rachel Donadio.
  Her analysis : Italy is no longer a democracy...but run more like 'a royal court'...where everyone...from coalition partners to female guests...serves 'at the pleasure of the prince.'