01 July 2011

EU / POLAND: Assuming Presidency...PM Tusk Blasts EU Leaders For Hypocrisy; Fin Min Rostowski Voices Doubts About EU Approach To Greek Crisis.


Taking his new role as rotating EU president seriously, Poland's PM Donald Tusk strongly criticized the EU's role in the Greece's sovereign debt crisis, immigration, spending and the budget.

He accused some national leaders of posing as champions while pandering to Euro-skepticism and using immigration fears to curb the Schengen Treaty's important freedom of travel.

"The different phenomenon I am talking about is the birth of a type of Euro-skepticism which does not declare itself. But it's the behavior, the words, the actions by politicians who say they are for the EU, support further integration, but at the same time suggest actions and decisions that weaken the community."

Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski (above) added his opinion over doubts about the EU's handling of the Greek debt crisis.
He believes there is too much emphasis on austerity and too little focus on growth.
Rostowski is a British-born economist and academic.
