15 February 2011

MEXICO: Zapatista Subcomandante Marcos Claims U.S. Sole Winner In Narco War.


  Infamous rebel intellectual, the Zapatista's Subcomandante Marcos, writes in a new “On War” essay that President Felipe Calderon’s war against the narco terrorsists will leave Mexico a “destroyed, depopulated, irreparably broken nation."
    He argues that Calderon’s war on crime was doomed from the start, “conceived, not as a solution to a problem of security, but to a problem of legitimacy, and it is destroying the last redoubt left to a nation: the social fabric.”
   “What better war for the United States than one that gives it profits, territory and political and military control without the inconvenient ‘body bags’ and war-wounded that came to it, earlier, from Vietnam, and now from Iraq and Afghanistan?,” Marcos asks.
      The U.S. supplies the Mexican military and police with weapons while the narcos get most of their weapons from gun shops in U.S. border states.