His observations echo somewhat those of NYU economist Nouriel Roubini, aka "Dr Doom", who even before Kirchner's death, predicted a poor 2011 for the Argentine economy.
Roubini sees a “cloudy” outlook; that GDP will decline in 2011 as the global slowdown leads to less exports.
“With a domestic economy that is driven by mostly domestic demand right now, artificially boosted by easy money, easy credit and easy fiscal policy, and an external sector that so far is doing well, but with the fixed exchange rate and high inflation, the real appreciation is going to lead to a significant weakening of that account,” Roubini said.
FOR DETAILS, SEE: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-10-25/roubini-sees-a-cloudy-outlook-for-argentina-economy-to-decline-in-2011.html