WSJ/ You gotta love the old style pissing match brewing between the ultra conservative, lifetime Fidel Castro hater, Mary O'Grady of the WSJ and conservative but gullible neophyte Cuba visitor Jeffry Goldberg of the Atlantic.
O'GRADY: " the Havana aquarium last month, Fidel Castro had a couple of humans eating out of his hand and clapping like trained seals.
I refer here to the Atlantic Monthly's Jeffrey Goldberg, who traveled recently to Cuba at Castro's invitation with his friend Julia Sweig of the Council on Foreign Relations."
O'Grady then demolishes Goldberg as he recounts his recent pleasant meet and greet and eat with Fido.
I normally disagree, sometimes vehemently, with O'Grady's views about Latin American leaders. But, today, commenting on Fidel's "smiley face" makeover for Goldberg and the media, I think O'Grady was devastatingly on-target.
I know about Cuba, I've lived in Cuba, and Goldberg's version of Castro is not the Fidel from Cuba I'm so familiar with. A delicious media hubbub in the making!!!
GOLDBERG RESPONDS On BLOG: Header calls O'Grady: "Unhinged."
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