NYTIMES/ L. Thomas
2 screen read combined
“Restructuring is off the table,”claims a Greek official. “For now it is all about growth, growth, growth.”
The alleged end of "reprofiling" is based on reports of a new 60 bn euro/$86 bn usd rescue package...with new loans...for faster privatization and tougher tax collections.
Greek officials have been especially disturbed by draining of some 60 bn euros in deposits from Greek banks...almost a quarter of its GDP...since the crisis began.
ALSO: BLOOMBERG reports the ECB is considering encouraging bondholders to roll over their Greek debt...by offering preferred status, higher coupon payments or even collateral.
AND: Moody's has downgraded Greece again...this time to the speculative Caa1 level...seven notches into junk territory...with a NEGATIVE outlook.
Only Ecuador...which has defaulted TWICE...is a worse sovereign risk.
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