Rumors of "dollarization" spread after Bolivia imposed fuel price increases of more than 73% and helped fuel a run on banks and increasing social chaos.
Strong ally Venezuela announced its second devaluation since January stirring fears that Bolivia might also tamper with its monetary system.
President Evo Morales said “Maybe some friends are withdrawing money for their New Year, they have the right to withdraw, but there will be no banking yard”.
The "banking yard" rumor was that bolivianos would be exchanged for the low rate of 5 per USD.
Shortages of many essential products in La Paz are also being reported. There's no sugar, beef, or potatoes in stores and lines are forming to buy many products before prices increase.
Meanwhile, bus and truck drivers and other groups took to the streets in several cities to protest fuel price increases.
Roads were blocked and public transportation was crippled in La Paz.
Demonstrations took place in El Alto, Cochabamba, Oruro and Tarija,
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