"We cannot invade our own territory," said Vice President Jaime Morales Carazo (pictured).
With that statement, Carazo flatly rejected an OAS deadline to withdraw troops from a disputed border zone with Costa Rica, despite conceding that it occupied the land only because Google Maps had incorrectly labeled it.
Carazo still rejects Costa Rica's complaints because he states the land belongs to Nicaragua.
Nicaragua does want bilateral talks to continue but Costa Rica does not.
Some media are now reporting that the border incident is but a trail balloon to check resistance to a new canal.
The Israeli website Haaretz claims its sources say the dispute is part of a plan by Venezuela, Iran and Nicaragua to create a "Nicaragua Canal" linking the Atlantic and Pacific to rival the Panama Canal. It also claims the U.S. is concerned and is working to foil it.
UPDATE, 12 NOV: Costa Rica is giving Nicaragua 24 more hours to remove troops from Isla Calero area. There are reports that Nicaragua has actually added more troops. With excellent foto display not seen elsewhere, GO TO:
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