12 December 2010

SERBIA/KOSOVO: 13 Dec. UPDATE: Fraud Claimed In Parliamentary Elections.

GUARDIAN/ Paul Lewis /
Prime minister Hashim Thaçi claims to have won the country's first elections since it declared independence are clouded as evidence emerges of  voter fraud in a region loyal to his party.
    These elections were held as Kosovans complain of  48% unemployment, corruption and living conditions that have barely improved since it became a UN protectorate in 1999.
    In 2007, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence with a reduction in international peacekeeping troops.  However, a 120,000-strong Serb minority refuses to recognize rule from Pristina.
    Serbia's opposition to Kosovo's secession was setback in July when the international court of justice ruled that Kosovo's independence declaration was lawful.
     Polls showed incumbent prime minister, former guerilla leader Hashim Thaçi, with a small lead.