04 April 2013

ITALY : Ruby 'Heartstealer'...Protests Outside Silvio's Trial; "I Am Not A Prostitute."

      Proclaiming that she is...and was...no whore...Karima El-Mahroug...aka infamous 'Ruby the Heartstealer'...protested outside the Milano courtroom where disgraced ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi, 76...is being tried for allegedly having paid sex with her...at age 17.
     After 2 court requests...that she ignored...the court decided not to hear her testimony.
     The 19-year-old Moroccan 'dancer'...and recent mother...read a 6-page statement...and said: 'I am not a prostitute. I've never had sex with Silvio Berlusconi.'
     But...she admitted that she had lied about her ancestry...being related to Egypt's leader Hosni Mubarek.
      Milano prosecutors claim she and slippery Silvio had sex 13 times.
      The BBC described her tearful protest...as a 'media scrum.'