What an embarrassment for The Hague!
A huge and 'unprecedented' prosecution boo-boo...caused an indefinite postponement in the trial of Ratko Mladic...the so-called 'Butcher of Bosnia."
The Mladic trial finally began at The Hague...after several postponement motions were dismissed...with a shocking revelation that Ratko and Radovan Karadzic were ready to raze Sarajevo 'to the ground'...unless it was partitioned ethnically.
But then it was revealed that the UN prosecution had neglected to deliver a 'substantial' amount of evidence...about 2-8 million pages of case files...to the defense.
Lawyers for Ratko Mladic...the Bosnian Serb ex-army chief accused of 11 war crimes... were given at least a 6-month postponement.
Mladic, 70...is indicted for genocide and crimes vs humanity...especially the massacre of 8,000 Muslims at Srebrenica.
Previous Post/link with some evidence presented:
TO SEE: 9x Mladic At War Fotos:
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