Emotions were raw in Venezuela...after young opposition candidate Capriles Radonski... got 6.5 million votes...but still lost to President Hugo Chavez's...in the strongman's 3rd re-election win.
But in the northwest state of Zulia...after hearing the election results...a businessman who bet heavily on Capriles...shot and killed 2 people...and ran down 5 more celebrating the victory in San Francisco...killing 4 instantly...and seriously injuring another.
Police are searching for Abigal Villasmil, 29.
AND: After losing the important presidential election...opponents now face the task of preparing for December's gubernatorial elections...and staying united.
Capriles called the election 'a gigantic dirty war'.
One observer said...'It's not a formidable defeat for the opposition, nor is it a big triumph for Chavismo.'