13 October 2011

PERU : Prez. Humala's Sweet 100 Day Honeymoon.

                                         REUTERS / ANALYSIS, T.WADE

REUT: "President Ollanta Humala's political honeymoon has been sweeter than anyone predicted and it could go on for months if he can ramp up social spending even as a dismal global economy tempers Peru's long boom."
AND: "His popularity rating has soared to 65 percent as he follows a center-left model after a series of rightist coalitions held power for much of the last 20 years."
      "I think this new style is working," said Alfredo Torres of the polling firm Ipsos. "Humala could lose some popularity due to social and economic problems, but my impression is that the honeymoon will be prolonged."
     Humala has even defused social conflicts nationwide that so marred Garcia's term.