29 August 2011

MONDAY MORNING MUSIC: From Brasil : Classic Costa...Gal Sings Jobim's "Wave."

YOUTUBE 3:21 Perfomance video

     When I recall living in Brasil...I remember most...its beaches.
     Not the tourist crowded sands of Copacabana or Ipanema...and the plethora of skimpy tangas...but the deserted beaches of Natal, Recife and Fortaleza.
     Thousand of miles of beaches...and water.
     Ah, Brasil.
     Hemmed in by the massive, mysterious waters of the Amazon...and a vast ocean.
     Water is surely its essence.
     One of Brasil's greatest singers...Gal Costa...celebrates that...singing Tom Jobim's classic "Wave".
     Also aplausos to Katy Perry for winning VMA's award for best music video...her "Fireworks"...featured here on M3...on 28 May.