16 May 2011

EL SALVADOR: WSJ Columnist Mary O'Grady Trashes President Funes.

WSJ/ OPINION / Mary Anastasia O'Grady

  "Salvadorans were already disillusioned when candidate Funes came on the scene to offer an alternative. He ran as a moderate leftist who pledged to put a stop to the endemic corruption that had blossomed under Mr. Saca, and to make all Salvadorans better off. So much for campaign promises. Since Mr. Funes came into office, Salvador's debt position has been deteriorating rapidly. In December 2008, the debt-to-GDP ratio was just under 36%. By December 2010 it was more than 51%."

AND:    "When Fitch Ratings warned El Salvador last fall to improve its investment climate or risk a downgrade, Mr. Funes was cavalier. El Salvador's newspaper Diario de Hoy quoted him saying that if the World Bank, the IMF and the Inter-American Development Bank didn't have confidence in the country, they wouldn't keep extending credit. He obviously never has heard of Greece"