Leading dissident Dr.Oscar Elias Biscet, 49, serving a 25-year prison sentence under the notorious Gag law was finally freed after more than 11 years in prison.
Biscet was arrested 27 times between February 1998 and November 1999 before his Gag law sentence.
“I am not going to say that I will continue in the opposition, because in jail I never stopped fighting against this government and the abuses it commits,” Biscet told AFP.
Biscet said he would continue to live in the Lawton barrio of La Habana and not go into exile in Spain like many other freed dissidents.
The Catholic Church announced that nine prisoners - not dissidents from the Group of 75- would be freed and exiled to Spain.
Still awaiting release are three Group of 75 prisoners: Jose Daniel Ferrer, Librado Linares and Felix Navarro.
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