21 September 2010

CZECH REPUBLIC: Dilemma On $25 Billion Nuke Plants: Russia Or The West?

WSJ/ By Sean Carney and Leos Rousek/
     The state-controlled power utility CEZ AS is seeking bids  to help it design, build, operate and possibly decommission two  reactors. The contract also includes an option to build three additional reactors in the Czech Republic and neighboring Slovakia that could be worth up to $25 billion. Three companies are in the running: Westinghouse Electric, a U.S.-based unit of Japan's Toshiba Corp., France's state-owned Areva and Russia's state-owned Atomstroyexport.   A debate there centers not only on the best bid but also whether to rely on the Russians, who already  supply  nuclear fuel for its four existing reactors and provide more than 75% of the country's oil and natural gas.