22 September 2010

CUBA: Exiles Watch Labor Changes On Isla Warily.

      "Cuba, it seems, is still being watched with wary eyes here(Miami) — and the nation’s plan to step toward an unknown economic hybrid could hang in the balance.
       The expatriate community in South Florida, often so vehemently at odds with the Castro government, is a natural — and perhaps necessary — source of capital for the private sector Cuba says it must expand to resuscitate its economy."
       AND: "But at this point, according to business owners and analysts, the government’s intentions do not appear to have led to any clear spike in money sent to the island by relatives, or of goods that might help entrepreneurs get started."
      AND: "“Things move very slowly in Cuba because they are very, very concerned about breaking the balance of power with economic reforms,” said Jorge Sanguinetty, president of the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy, a research group. “This is the reality. They don’t want to emulate Gorbachev when he started making reforms in Russia and the whole thing came down.”