15 August 2010

CUBA: What Is Fidel Up To...???

   As expected, the Habanistas have been swirling and studying their coffee grounds to explain Fidel Castro's recent spate of public appearances. Columnist Andres Oppenheimer gives the 5 most common explanations.

OPPENHEIMER:   "Here's the question being asked by almost anybody who is following the latest news from Cuba -- what on earth is Fidel Castro up to? Since he made his first public appearance in four years last month, Cuba's officially retired dictator -- who turned 84 Friday -- hasn't stopped showing up in public, and grabbing the headlines. Proclaiming himself ``totally'' recovered from the intestinal ailment that forced him to turn over the presidency to his brother Gen. Raúl Castro in 2006, Fidel Castro has made more than a dozen public appearances since he was photographed visiting the National Center of Scientific Investigations on July 7."