22 May 2010

BRASIL: Dissecting Lula's Iran Nuclear Diplomacy.

LATIMES/ OPINION/   Andrew Downie/         "Brazil feels like it doesn't get the respect it deserves, even as one of the world's most prominent emerging countries. And under President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whose second and final term ends this year, it has gone all out to garner attention as a serious nation." And..."Lula has resented the power wielded by Europe and the United States and that distaste has only grown with an economic crisis he believes has its roots in unfettered capitalism." Plus...""For Lula, the Iran thing isn't important as such," said Oliver Stuenkel, a visiting professor of international affairs at the University of Sao Paulo. "He's making a broader argument that current structures of global governance are unjust, and that emerging powers should have a greater say."