21 May 2010

COLOMBIA: Security Issues Help Mockus; Santos Rises In Polls.

BLOOMBERG/      President Alvaro Uribe’s policies to eliminate rebels has reduced the number of murders to 15,817 last year from 28,837 in 2002. Now political candidates have more freedom to move around urban areas despite a recent Facebook threat on Antanas Mockus' life by the FTA rebels. “There’s confidence that things are better, so now people want something new," said Mockus. But safety isn’t a big advantage with voters, said political scientist Monica Pachon. “Santos is a victim of his own success,” she said. Nevertheless, Santos has widened his lead over Mockus in a recent poll. Santos would get 39% in the first round of voting on 30 May, versus 34% for Mockus. The candidates would receive 47% and 46% in the second-round vote on 20 June. More than 50% of the first-round vote is needed to avoid a runoff.