The 14 April presidential election campaign is getting ugly...but recently departed President Hugo being virtually canonized by many of his supporters.
TV channels are showing an animation that features Hugo communing with Che, Evita, Allende and, yes, Simon heaven...on the plains of his beloved home state, Sabaneta.
Designated successor...Nicolas Maduro, 50...has even called himself an 'apostle' of Chavez 'the redeemer Christ of the Americas.'
But 'apostle' Maduro...has also uncharitably slammed opponent Capriles Radonski, a Nazi...and 'heir to Hitler'...while also blasting him as a 'Jew' and 'fascist'...while constantly invoking Chavez's name.
An opposition has logged the number of times Maduro has uttered Chavez's name since his death.
At last count, it was over 4,600 times.
2 recent polls show Maduro leading Capriles Radonski by at least 15 points.